Today is a day of fabulous names. First up, we have Sheriff and Dudgeon, with their “FANCY ARTICLES for Ball Dresses”, including “Gold and Silver Trimmings of all kind, Silk Ditto, Fancy Flowers and Wreaths” amongst many other items, not least Snow Shoes and Black Lace. The Ladies (respectfully informed) can purchase these items at the Museum of Elegance and Fashion, No. 36 South Bridge.
Secondly, we have the equally delightfully named GEORGE MUGGERLAND, a Ladies Hair-Dresser, this time over in New Town in St Andrew’s Square, who would very much like the Nobility and Gentry to be aware of his wig-making skills. In the style of MONSIEUR LIEWSHAURE, no less.
Excerpts taken from: Caledonian Mercury, 4 Jan. 1800. British Library Newspapers, accessed via National Library of Scotland membership.