Back in November, I hosted a Twitter Hour on the subject of #OrkneySupernatural as part of my research into folklore and contemporary expressions of identity relating to Orkney.
I chose #OrkneySupernatural (in discussion with my Director of Studies), because it was an example of what is broadly accepted to be an element of folklore, and so it gave me an opportunity to approach the wider subject of folklore through a single sub-topic.
This provided me with some helpful data, which I then used to identify emerging themes in my research, as a reference point for when I started to code and analyse the data I had sourced from Facebook Groups and Pages. My coding and analysis is ongoing, but I’m now in a position to undertake the final key element of my data collection, so it’s back to Twitter.
Over the next three weeks, I’ll be hosting hashtags picking up on three broad themes which have arisen throughout my analysis to date, and which I’d like to discuss further. I’ll be throwing out a few thoughts or quotes collated during my research so far, and would be interested to hear what people have to say about these.
I was originally intending to host more Twitter Hours using themes which arose early in my initial analysis, but I’m keen to see if it is possible to establish a slightly more relaxed and accessible conversation about these topics. I’ll be talking about these three topics roughly Monday to Friday each week (one a week), but I’ll be monitoring all three throughout April, so do chip in with any thoughts you have on any of these topics. Please note I do work full-time, so might not be able to get back to people as quickly as I would like during the day!
This is the final element of my data collection, and I’m as interested in the exercise of using Twitter in this way as I am the data it may help to collate. As with the Twitter Hour, I have deliberately only used Twitter to promote this. Any help with sharing this call for engagement would be much appreciated.
The Power of Place: #OrkneyAndPlace
When: Monday 10th April to Friday 14th April 2017
Where: Anywhere and everywhere, via Twitter
How: Join the conversation by using the hashtag #OrkneyAndPlace
The Human Element: #OrkneyAndPeople
When: Monday 17th April to Friday 21st April 2017
Where: Anywhere and everywhere, via Twitter
How: Join the conversation by using the hashtag #OrkneyAndPeople
The Role of the Internet: #OrkneyOnline
When: Monday 24th to Friday 28th April 2017
Where: Anywhere and everywhere, via Twitter
How: Join the conversation by using the hashtag #OrkneyOnline