The Library

Writing English Prose

Record Card How to Write English Prose, by David Bentley Hart, The Lamp. On the use of language in twenty-first century writing. Notes I enjoyed this article when I first read it, and have been reminded of it again recently on a number of occasions, particularly given recent developments in relation to ChatGPT and other …

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The Library

Bernadette Mayer’s List of Journal Ideas

Record Card Bernadette Mayer’s List of Journal Ideas, Electronic Poetry Center, The Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, The University of Pennsylvania. Notes I love a list, and this is fantastic. Something to dip into when looking for inspiration for writing prompts, journal ideas, or all manner of other things. This post is part of …

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Assorted Cogitations

A Digital Ecosystem

It has been exactly a year since I ever-so-quietly shared our first post on Elosa. Even now, barely anyone – only a handful of friends and family – knows about the site as, apart from quietly adding it to one of my personal email signatures, I haven’t really told anyone about it. It has been …

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Assorted Cogitations

I Hereby Release You

The day is Wednesday the 1st of March 2023. Depending on where you are in the world, you are either on the cusp of spring or the cusp of autumn, both key transitional seasons (aren’t they all? Except summer – summer is just lazy and entitled). If you live in Wales, you might be enjoying …

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